To add a Carousel component, drag the Carousel component from the Doc-menu and drop it on the editor. Instantly, the Carousel component will appear with three carousel items connected with the Carousel component and three button components connected with the three carousel components.

Now double-click on the Carousel component and the right sidebar called configure Carousel will appear. In the sidebar, you can enable typing on display and select delay in reply time in seconds. Now click on the Done button.

Now come to the carousel Item component. Double-click on the carousel Item button and the right sidebar called Configure Carousel Item will appear with some fields.

Now upload an image. After uploading an image, paste a link in the image click destination link field. When a user clicks on the image, the user will be redirected to the URL. Now write a title in the title field and a subtitle in the subtitle field. Enable the typing on display and select delay time in seconds.

Likewise, you have to configure the other two carousel items.

Now you have to configure buttons. You already know how to configure buttons.

You can add other components with the button components if you want.

Now click on the save button or press ctrl + S and your bot will be saved.