To add Quick reply component, drag the Quick reply component from the Doc-menu and drop it on the editor. Instantly, the Quick reply component will appear on the editor. You can also add a Quick reply component by dragging your cursor from the quick replies output of a component and dropping it on the editor.

Now double-click on the Quick Reply component and a right sidebar called configure Quick Reply will appear. Now in the quick reply type field, you have to select a quick reply type. Click on the quick reply type field and a drop-down menu of different types of quick replies – New postback, Postback, Phone, and Email – will appear.

New Postback As Quick Reply Type

Select new postback as the quick reply type, and instantly a field called button text will appear. Now you have to provide a text for the button in the button text field. Then Click on the done button.

And instantly, a new postback component will appear connected with the quick reply component.Now double click on the new postback element and the right sidebar called configure new postback will appear. Give a title for the New postback in the title field. And select label from the Choose label field. Now click on the done button.

After that, you have to add another component with the next output of the New postback component.

Postback As a Quick Reply

If you select postback as the quick reply type, two fields – button text and postback id will appear. In the button text field, you have to write a text for the button. And from the postback id field, you have to select a postback. Click on the postback id field and a drop-down menu of different postback id will appear. And from the drop-down menu, select a postback id. And click on the Done button. And the postback id will appear on the Quick reply component.

Phone As Quick Reply

Just select phone as the quick reply type in the quick reply type field and click on the done button. In this case, the quick reply will collect your phone number from your Facebook Profile and show in the messenger. When a user clicks on the phone number, the system will receive the phone number. And the user will get a message that the system have received your phone number.

Email As Quick Reply

Just select Email as the quick reply type in the quick reply type field and click on the done button. In this case, the quick reply will collect your Email address from your Facebook Profile and show in the messenger. When a user click on the phone number, the system will receive the email address. And the user will get a message that the system have received your Email address.